
MLC Voyager | Created by Tiko

Tiko connects their members’ needs to existing local providers, by building ecosystems of local health services, community organisations and micro-entrepreneurs. Their model delivers a new way to collaborate, a better way to motivate young people and a more efficient way to manage programmes and to improve the health and wellbeing of communities.


1,718,424 Lives Impacted

Our innovation addresses a problem among the population we serve as well as the industry we work in.

1) High maternal mortality, neonatal mortality, and unsafe abortion rates among adolescent girls and women aged 15-24 with an unmet need for family planning services and limited access to adequate antenatal care. These problems are especially pronounced in sub-Saharan Africa and India - the primary geographies where Tiko is operational. In addition, since our platform has capabilities to address any repeatable behaviour, in the future, we will address users’ more holistic health needs including communicable diseases such as HIV, TB and malaria as well as non-communicable diseases such as hypertension, diabetes and cervical cancer.

2) In the markets in which Tiko works, demand generators have limited visibility into whether their reach translated into impact, service providers stretch limited resources to create their own demand while spending heavily on service provision, and donors funded promising - but sometimes parallel - interventions. None of these actors have access to reliable, real time data, instead relying on paper-based self-reported data.

The Innovation

Through a digital platform, Tiko connects their members’ needs to existing local providers, by building ecosystems of local health services, community organisations and micro-entrepreneurs. Their Tiko model delivers a new way to collaborate, a better way to motivate young people and a more efficient way to manage programmes and to improve the health and wellbeing of communities. Their platform integrates digital and analogue technology and scales behavioural science principles to create individualised user experiences that nudge positive health choices among adolescent girls and young women at the base of the pyramid suffering poor health outcomes. By enrolling on Tiko’s platform, demand creators track how their interventions translate into service uptake at a network of health providers, donors fund an ecosystem that multiplies impact by leveraging existing funding, and women have more choice, curating content and choosing providers based on location, rating, and product availability.

Tiko takes a disruptive approach to development with our digital platform to connect and activate local ecosystems (across demand and supply) to improve the health and wellbeing of communities. We call this a “horizontal integration approach,” where multiple independent local actors support different interventions on the two sides of the market (demand creation and service provision). Our platform integrates digital and analogue technology and scales behavioural science principles to create individualised user experiences that nudge positive health choices among adolescent girls and young women at the base of the pyramid suffering poor health outcomes. Our platform allows partners access to data in real-time, enabling evidence-based decision making to adapt programme design and scale impact efficiently. By enrolling on Tiko’s platform, demand creators track how their interventions translate into service uptake at a network of health providers, donors fund an ecosystem that multiplies impact by leveraging existing funding, and women have more choice, curating content and choosing providers based on location, rating, and product availability.

Implemented in

Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Kenya, Ethiopia, South Africa, India, USA

Get in touch

Tiko HQ


About Tiko

Tiko is on a mission to trigger millions of positive life choices by young people and make an unsurpassed impact on global health and well-being. They are a global not-for-profit headquartered in Amsterdam. We kicked off with big ambitions in 2014 and now operate in eight markets, with offices and on-the-ground staff around the globe. And we’re not stopping here: our teams and positive impact are expanding by the minute.




Drought Resilience Impact Platform (DRIP)